Education and Credentialing Partnerships: Time to Get Separate Bedrooms or Make a Bed and Sleep in It?


Breakout Celebration 3 - 4
PD Panel Discussion

It seems like an uncomplicated relationship; build an educational program that prepares individuals to demonstrate their qualifications to practice and develop an assessment that supports the credentialing of professionals with the recognition of demonstrated competency in their discipline. But it’s not that simple!

This panel session will address the operational, governance, and business considerations that credentialing organizations should address when either partnering with- or establishing themselves as an educational provider. The facilitators will address business considerations such as market demands, revenue streams, and opportunities for new customers. We will look at governance models and share ideas regarding the optimization of organizational structures and resource allocation. The panel will also address some educational design considerations and how content and learner delivery models may impact program management.

The session attendees will be invited to fully engaged in the panel discussion and encouraged to share their experiences and “words of wisdom” with their peers.

Director Certification and Credentialing
National Commission Certification of Crane Operators
Executive Director
Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology
Examination Developer/Accreditation Process
National Inspection Testing and Certification Corporation
SVP Psychometric and Assessment Services
Meazure Learning