Laura Coons, National Inspection Testing and Certification Corporation
Laura Coons
Examination Developer/Accreditation Process
National Inspection Testing and Certification Corporation

Laura works as an examination developer in the piping trades creating exams for plumbing, HVACR, sprinkler fitting, Medical Gas, Hand Rigging, and more at National ITC, Corporation. NITC delivers over 15,000 exams per year. Laura is part of a team that maintains four accredited exam schemes updating exams each code cycle, conducting Job Task Analyses with industry Subject Matter experts, and acting as inhouse psychometrician. She is also heavily involved in the annual accreditation process. Her previous work experience includes performance improvement, research and guideline development, and graduate medical education accreditation in health care settings. Laura is a member of ICE, ATP (Certification and Licensure SIG), and ISPI Southern California BOD member, hosting their monthly RoundTable event.

My Sessions
Education and Credentialing Partnerships: Time to Get Separate Bedrooms or Make a Bed and Sleep in It?
Breakout Celebration 3 - 4
Session topics