Caveon Sponsor Session - A Clear View of Better Testing: Introducing a New Approach to Secure, Reliable, Cost-Effective Exams
Celebration 7 - 8
SPNS Sponsor Session
If there’s only one session you attend this year, make it this one. Let’s face it: the way we test is broken—and it’s costing us all. Current methods bring soaring costs, rampant cheating, and unhappy test takers. But there is a better way to test, and it’s ready for you now. Caveon’s new approach to testing merges secure test design with an efficient monitoring system to deliver: Improved Security Dramatically reduced costs A Better Test Taker Experience Increased Validity Getting all these benefits? Well, It’s simpler than you might imagine—Look up, dare to see beyond the old ways, and discover just how bright your testing future can be—if you’re brave enough to listen.