Assessing Effective and “Dark Side” Leader Characteristics


Breakout Celebration 3 - 4
FS Featured Session

ATP is fundamentally a leadership organization and one of the concerns we should all have is choosing good leaders. Although we are all testing professionals, there are unique aspects to selecting leaders. The quality of leaders in organizations exhibits extreme implications for firm success. Unfortunately, most organizations fail to identify effective leaders and, instead, rely on emergent leaders, who are merely successful at making themselves look good. Indeed, research suggests that only 10% of leaders who exhibit emergent qualities are also effective. Along these lines, estimates suggest that around two-thirds of all leaders fail.

The good news is that workplace assessments, particularly personality and 360 leadership assessments, can help select and develop effective leaders. This session will feature several industrial-organizational psychology (I/O) experts with a background in personality and leadership assessment. Panelists will leverage their expertise to share insights and best practices on using personality and mutli-source assessments to improve organizational leadership. Panelists will also invite comments and questions from the audience for a rich, interactive discussion.

Chief Psychometrician
Director of Product Innovation
Hogan Assessments
Hogan Assessments
Hogan Assessments