ATP Privacy Policy

Effective: June 8, 2021

The Association of Test Publishers (“ATP”) takes your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy sets out how we obtain, store, and use your personal information when you use or interact with our various websites,,,, or, or where we otherwise obtain or collect your personal information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. We recommend that you print a copy of this Privacy Policy and any future versions in force from time to time for your records.

Statement of Data Privacy

The ATP is the international trade association for test publishers and other service providers related to the testing industry. It hosts the Europe-ATP (E-ATP) Conference, the Innovations Conference, and other similar ATP-hosted events, for which registration and information is available on one or more of the identified ATP websites. In that regard, the ATP collects certain personal data from members, non-members, speakers, sponsors, and attendees, whether those individuals are residents of the EU or from any other country, including the United States. The ATP may also collect personal information from visitors to these websites.

This personal information includes, but is not limited to, your name, position, company, email address, physical address, and telephone number. The ATP uses this data for specific informational communications and marketing activities related to the E-ATP Conference, the Innovations Conference, other ATP-sponsored events, as well as for future ATP marketing campaigns. We may share your data with event sponsors and other attendees, but we will not provide it, or sell it, under any circumstances to any third party who is unrelated to ATP. This Privacy Policy provides an overview of how we obtain, store and use your personal information. It is intended to provide a general overview and answer questions you may have about specific privacy issues.

The ATP Privacy Policy applies to all members and non-members who register for the E-ATP Conference, the Innovations Conference, or other ATP-sponsored events, regardless of where they reside, or have other dealings with the ATP that results in the collection of personal information. However, if you reside in the European Union (“EU”), this explanation and summary of the Policy is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which becomes effective on May 25, 2018.

Specific Information about the ATP Privacy Policy

The ATP Privacy Policy is described here in a concise, transparent, intelligible, and easily-accessible form. It is set forth in a series of specific components describing how the ATP Privacy Policy operates and how it meets certain privacy rights.

Identity of the Data Controller

The ATP is the data controller – the entity that collects and processes personal data, or arranges for such actions taken on its behalf by its agents. The ATP is responsible for deciding the purposes for which personal information is used and processed, and the means by which such processing is done. Thus, it is the ATP’s responsibility to inform you in advance of the processing of your personal information. You may contact the ATP by writing to Lauren Scheib, Chief Operating Officer, 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20004, or sending an email to

How does the ATP collect or obtains your information?

The ATP collects your information: (1) when you join the association; (2) when you have provided it to us by registering for a previous Conference or event, or when you register for this upcoming Conference on this website; (3) when you submit a proposal to speak at an ATP conference; or (4) when you contact the ATP on one of our websites or at its email address. In other situations, your organization or another individual (e.g., a co-presenter) may provide the ATP with your personal information; if that occurs, the ATP will notify you that your personal information has been shared and give you the opportunity to consent or not. In other instances, the ATP will collect your information when you purchase an ATP publication from our bookstore. Finally, the ATP may use cookies to track your use of our websites (see Use of Cookies below).

What personal information do we collect?

The ATP collects your name, company, title or position, email address, physical address, telephone number, and general demographic information. The ATP also may use cookies to collect the IP address of the computer you are using (see Use of Cookies below). If you register to attend the E-ATP Conference, the Innovations Conference, or any other ATP event for which registration is required using one of our websites, or you purchase a publication from the ATP bookstore, you will be directed to a separate secure location where you will provide your payment card information. That payment card information is NOT collected, stored, or retained by the ATP after you make such payment.

What are the legitimate interests we have for collecting/using your personal information?

The principal basis on which we collect and use your information is when you give us your affirmative consent. However, when you register for a Conference or other ATP event, or make a purchase through our bookstore, the ATP has a legitimate basis beyond consent to collect your personal information in order to provide you with the goods or services that you expect us to deliver, which depends upon us having and using your personal information. Once you have a formal relationship with us, the ATP also obtains a legitimate interest in providing you with timely information about upcoming events and/or products in which you may have an interest; so, to better serve you, we will market or promote those events/products to you. Thus, depending on the precise situation, the ATP may rely on one of these legitimate basis in collecting your personal information.

How do we use your personal information?

The ATP uses your personal information for administrative and business purposes particularly to contact you about the E-ATP Conference, the Innovations Conference, or another ATP-sponsored event, or to process purchases you make on our websites. We may also use personal information to send out industry surveys to improve our representation of the testing industry and to improve our websites, as well as for advertising and analytical purposes (e.g., monitoring/ analyzing visitors to the websites). Additionally, the ATP permits you to access various social media networks through our websites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). You need to be aware that if you decide to access such social media through the ATP websites, your information will be available to those services.

Disclosure of your personal information to third parties.

The ATP discloses your personal information to the extent necessary to fulfill our obligations to you if you register to attend the E-ATP Conference, the Innovations Conference, or other ATP-sponsored event (i.e., to link you to the secure payment third party website the ATP uses to handle payment for your registration). A related use of the personal information of conference attendees is to share that information with third-party sponsors, who are usually industry vendors that may contact you. The ATP has found that in general this type of disclosure is appreciated by conference attendees; however, we have adopted a policy that entitles you to consent to that disclosure in advance and/or to direct us not to include you in that sharing, as well as enabling you to withdraw that consent.

Do we sell personal information to third parties?

No, the ATP will never sell your personal data to any third party that is unrelated to the organization (i.e., who is not a sponsor of the E-ATP Conference, the Innovations Conference, or similar ATP-hosted event).

How long will we retain your personal information?

The ATP does not retain personal information longer than is necessary, taking into account any legal obligations we have (e.g., to maintain records for tax purposes), as well as any other legal basis we have for using your personal information (e.g. your consent, performance of services to you and/or your employer as an ATP member, or our legitimate interests as an international trade association). Your information that we use for marketing purposes will be kept until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information

How do we secure your personal information?

The ATP uses contractors and/or subcontractors who employ commercially available and generally accepted technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against loss, misuse, or alteration during its transmission, storage, and processing. ATP’s eventual processor of personal data abides by all Standard Contractual Clauses as prescribed under the former EU-US Privacy Shield. Moreover, only authorized ATP contractors are granted access to your personal information, and only where it is necessary to the conduct of their business operations on behalf of the ATP. In reality, we note that no method of securing personal information transmitted over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, the ATP cannot guarantee the absolute security of any personal information. If you have any questions about security on our websites, you can contact us.

Use of cookies:

We use cookies, and similar information-gathering technologies (e.g., web beacons), on our websites for the purpose of remembering users’ settings (e.g. language preference), for individual authentication, for analyzing visitors to the website, and to improve future web services to you if you return to our websites. If you continue to use this website, we will require that you consent to the use of cookies (see below); you are free to delete our cookies. You should be aware that you can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level; if you reject cookies, you may still use our site, but your ability to use some features or areas of our websites may be limited.

Do we transfer your personal information outside of the European Economic Area?

Yes, the ATP generally transfers your personal information to the United States in order to process it (e.g., handle and follow up on your Conference registration), as well as to store the information for future use (e.g., to market the next Conference). When the ATP transfers personal data, we take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information is protected, including protection by contractors and/or subcontractors, and to ensure that your information is not shared in any manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy. Other primary entities that receive your personal information are the event management company with which the ATP contracts to manage the Innovations Conference, the E-ATP Conference, and other ATP-sponsored events, which in turn uses an event application entity certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield, for receiving, storing, and processing personal data of registrants, attendees, speakers, and others.

What are your rights?

Your rights in relation to your personal information are to: (1) be informed about its use; (2) have access to your information; (3) correct your personal information; (4) have your personal information deleted; and (5) restrict how we use your personal information. You also have the right to have your personal information ported to others; however, because the ATP’s use of your personal information is limited to individual registration (e.g., for Conferences and other events, as speakers at ATP events, and/or as an event sponsor) and marketing activities related to the E-ATP Conference, it is not technically feasible for the ATP to honor such a request because we are not able to exchange that information with another entity with which we have no direct interface or any reason to exchange data. You are also entitled to know if the ATP is using any automated decision-making (including profiling); the ATP does not use any such automated technologies in the processing of your personal information.

How to exercise your rights regarding the collection and use of your personal information:

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time during use of this website or by emailing the ATP at However, any data processing performed by the ATP prior to your withdrawal of consent cannot be undone.

You also have the right to object to the ATP’s collection and/or use of your personal information, or to request access to your information as well as to request that we correct any information we have or to remove you from our records. If your personal information changes (e.g., zip code, phone, email or postal address), you can change online, physical contact, and other information by contacting ATP as shown above. If you wish to correct/update/delete information or no longer desire to receive information from ATP, you can notify us by using any of the information in the Contact section of this policy. We will respond to your request to access within 30 days.

You may file a complaint with the ATP by emailing us at, and the ATP will respond without undue delay, within at least 30 days unless we inform you that additional time will be required. In addition, you have the right to file a complaint with your relevant Supervisory Authority (i.e., Data Protection Authority).

Audio/Video Recording of Events

When you register and/or participate in the E-ATP Conference, the Innovations Conference, other ATP-sponsored events (Live or Virtual), you will be participating in an event where photography, video recording and audio recording may occur. By participating and/or registering for these events, you consent to video recording, audio recording, photography and its/their release, publication, display, or reproduction to be used for digital passes, webcasts, marketing/promotional purposes, audiocasts, advertising, inclusion on web sites, or for any other purpose(s) that ATP, its associates and/or representatives deems fit to use. You release ATP owners, staff and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings.

By entering the event/conference (conference venue or virtual meeting platform), you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment in connection with any streaming, webcasting, audiocasting, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose. You also waive any right to review or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by ATP or the person or entity designated to do so by ATP.

How does the ATP obtain your consent?

At the end of this Privacy Policy, you will be asked to indicate your affirmative consent agreeing to its terms and conditions, and thereby allowing the ATP to collect and use your personal information.

Affirmative Consent

I have read the above information presented by the ATP about its Privacy Policy, including the Use of Cookies. I hereby give affirmative consent to the ATP to collect and use my personal information. I am aware that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time with effect for the future, by e-mail to or in writing to the ATP at its mailing address: 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20004. © 2021 ASSOCIATION OF TEST PUBLISHERS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.