Mat Bateman, Keelson Marine / Cirrus
Mat Bateman
Senior Partner
Keelson Marine / Cirrus

Mat is first and foremost a seafarer. After leaving school at 17 he joined his first ship, a 280,000 tonne oil tanker in 1988. After a career at sea working on a range of vessels as an Engineer he came ashore in the late nineties and obtained a degree in Electrical and Electronic Systems. Since 2008 he has worked in Marine Consulting, starting Keelson Marine in 2017. Concerned about incidents offshore, specifically human factor influences in ships positioned by dynamic positioning Keelson has become a leading light in utilizing assessment platforms and getting the most out of them to promote safe and predictable operations offshore.

My Sessions
Beyond the Buzz: E-assessment’s Untapped Potential in CPD
Breakout Bayhill 23 - 24
Session topics