Kyle Todt, The Royal College of Dentists of Canada
Kyle Todt
Director of Assessments, Fellowship Examination
The Royal College of Dentists of Canada

Kyle Todt is the Director of Assessment for the Royal College of Dentists of Canada (RCDC). He oversees the College’s Fellowship Examination, a structured oral examination designed to assess clincial competency in various dental specialties.

Since joining the RCDC in 2012, Kyle has played a pivotal role in every facet of the assessment process, including content creation, data analysis, examination delivery, and managing the volunteer program that supports the examination. His extensive experience ensures the examination maintains its high standards of fairness, validity, and reliability.

Kyle’s leadership and commitment to excellence have been instrumental in the ongoing success and evolution of the RCDC’s assessment program, supporting the College’s mission to promote high standards of specialization in the dental profession.

My Sessions
Navigating the Complexities of Administering Exams With Small Candidate Numbers
Breakout Bayhill 19 - 20
Session topics
Embracing Innovation: the Role of Standardized Patient Avatars in Medical Education and Certification
Breakout Celebration 9 - 10
Session topics