Kimberly Swygert, National Board of Medical Examiners
Kimberly Swygert
Director, Test Development Innovations
National Board of Medical Examiners

Kimberly Swygert, PhD, is the Director, Test Development Innovations, at NBME. Over the past 25+ years, Dr. Swygert has a proven track record of excellence in the psychometric and health professions education fields across multiple domains, including applied psychometric work and research, test development, innovative item development, test construction, and test security. More recently, her work has focused on the implementation of automated item generation (AIG) technology, the implementation of NLP-based test security methods, the potential for NLP and ML technologies to enhance test development and test construction, and the legal and ethical factors for implementation of AI-based technologies in assessment. Dr. Swygert is the lead on AI-related NBME projects such as the AI Center of Excellence (CoE) and the AI Legal and Ethical Landscape in Assessment. She served two terms on the Board of Directors for the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) and is currently the co-chair of an AI subcommittee. She has published chapters on item and test development in recent editions of Assessment for Health Professions Education, the Handbook of Test Development, and the Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment. In 2018, she was inducted as a Fellow into the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Dr. Swygert received her doctorate in quantitative psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1998.

My Sessions
ATP Practice Area Division Breakfast: Technology-Based Assessment Committee
Meeting Bayhill 21 - 22
Session topics
AI and Assessment: Skating Past the Puck to Design Tomorrow's Ice Rink
Breakout Celebration 5 - 6
Session topics
Responsible and Ethical AI in Assessment - Principles and Practice
Breakout Celebration 14 - 15
Session topics
Evaluating Program Design Strategies: How Generalizable Are Disruptive Approaches?
Breakout Bayhill 23 - 24
Session topics