John Kleeman, Learnosity
John Kleeman

John Kleeman is EVP Industry Relations and Business Development at Learnosity, the assessment technology company. He is the Founder of Questionmark and a past chair of ATP.

John has a first-class degree in mathematics and computer science from Trinity College, Cambridge, and is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Chartered Engineer and a Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe. John wrote the first version of the Questionmark assessment software system and founded Questionmark in 1988 to market, develop and support it. Questionmark was one of the early movers in technology based assessment and has been widely used since the 1990s in companies, government departments, colleges and universities and since the 2000s also in certification and credentialing.

Questionmark, under John’s leadership produced the world’s first Internet testing software in 1995. John was at Questionmark until 2021 when Learnosity acquired Questionmark and he now works within Learnosity as an EVP. John’s current role at Learnosity includes writing, speaking, partnership business development and privacy and legal.

John has been heavily involved in assessment technology for over 35 years and has worked on many standards and specifications activities. John was on the original team that created the IMS Global Learning Consortium QTI specification and has worked on standards initiatives with ADL, AICC, ATP, BSI, ISO and others. John is an active volunteer within the ATP and is co-chair of its AI subcommittee.

My Sessions
AI and Assessment: Skating Past the Puck to Design Tomorrow's Ice Rink
Breakout Celebration 5 - 6
Session topics
Responsible and Ethical AI in Assessment - Principles and Practice
Breakout Celebration 14 - 15
Session topics
Harnessing AI for Scalable and Inclusive Content Creation: Enhancing Validity to Serve a Diverse Learner Population
Breakout Celebration 14 - 15
Session topics