Debra Zabloudil, The Learning Studio
Debra Zabloudil
Founder and President
The Learning Studio

Debra Zabloudil, FACHE, CAE founded The Learning Studio (TLS) because she is passionate about learning and education. Debra received her bachelor’s degree in Speech Communications/Public Relations from Southern Illinois University, and her master’s degree in Management of Public Service from DePaul University. She has earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation and is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives. She is a past chair of ASAE’s Professional Development Council and speaks and writes regularly on the topic of association education trends, best practices and overall training.

My Sessions
BenchPrep Sponsor Session - Mapping the Path to Lifelong Learning: Key Lessons from Industry Leaders
Breakout Celebration 1 - 2
Session topics