Darren Yin, ATA Online
Darren Yin
Overseas BD Manager
ATA Online

Darren Yin is a Business Development Manager at ATA Online, joining the company in 2017 after earning his master’s degree. Darren has since been dedicated to helping international clients launch their programs in China, leveraging ATA’s advanced assessment technologies. His expertise in testing delivery, channel management, and customized testing solutions has supported the successful growth of clients’ programs in China and Southeast Asia. Additionally, Darren plays a key role in exporting ATA’s testing technologies to meet assessment needs in overseas markets by implementing ATA solutions beyond China.

My Sessions
ATA Online Sponsor Session - An Insider’s Guideline to “Opportunities & Challenges to Survive and Thrive in the China & Asia Testing Market”
Breakout Celebration 12 - 13
Session topics