Christina Schneider, Ph.D., is a Senior Director of Psychometrics at Cambium Assessment. She is a national expert in principled assessment design based on Range Achievement level Descriptors (RALDs) which centers the construction of assessments in their intended content interpretations so that they may be instructional useful for teachers. Christina has worked on multiple statewide large-scale assessments including through-year assessments, co-designed a standard setting methodology, and conducted the evaluation and deployment of Automated Essay Scoring engines for formative and high stakes uses. She is the co-author of the innovative achievement level descriptor development framework that since 2012 has been used by 40% of states. Christina is the lead author of two professional development curriculums for teachers on formative classroom assessment, and she was the principal investigator of one of the first cluster-randomized trials in the nation investigating the effects of teacher professional development in formative practices on teacher and student achievement. Her book, Using Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning Objectives, which overviews a learning progression approach to the development of performance tasks that increase in complexity to foster student growth is currently being translated into Chinese. Her research has been published in Applied Measurement in Education, Educational Assessment, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices, Journal of Computer Adaptive Testing, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, and the Peabody Journal of Education.