You Found Cheaters, Now What? Enacting a Process from Detection to Disciplinary Action


Breakout Celebration 1 - 2
SS Snapshot

A certification organization must continuously monitor threats and vulnerabilities that may pose a risk to its examination content /or result in invalid candidate test scores to maintain the integrity of the certification and credibility of the organization. Once an organization detects that a candidate has attempted or successfully cheated on an examination or harvested examination content, the organization must take quick action.

Participants will learn several methods for detecting cheating and best practices for effectively and efficiently processing misconduct cases through a disciplinary review process. We will discuss strategies for how to handle varying levels of severity and volume of cases.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your organization’s disciplinary process or to understand the fundamentals of the stages of security, this presentation provides valuable insights and advice tailored to the needs of those new to the industry.

Certification Program Manager
Behavior Analyst Certification Board
Director of Ethics
Behavior Analyst Certification Board