You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Factors That Influence Candidate Choice


Breakout Celebration 9 - 10
P Presentation

It is no secret that the shift toward flexible testing modalities has been heralded as providing candidates with greater autonomy and accessibility. However, a critical question remains: Do candidates from different circumstances and socioeconomic backgrounds truly have equal access and freedom to choose their preferred testing modality? During this session, we will review the current landscape of testing modalities in educational and professional settings, highlighting the perceived benefits and challenges associated with each option. We will then look to present findings from empirical research on what impact, if any, socioeconomic factors—such as income level, access to technology, and transportation options—may have on candidates’ ability to choose their preferred testing modality. Participants will gain insights into whether these factors impact candidate choices and the implications for fairness and equity in assessment practices.

The goal is to foster a collaborative environment where attendees can collectively explore ways to promote equitable testing practices that honor candidates' choices regardless of their circumstances.

Registrar and Director, Examinations and Assessments
The Insurance Institute of Canada
Director, ICC Credentialing
International Code Council
VP of Customer Success
Meazure Learning