The Generative AI and Assessment Debate: Disruptive or Distracting?
It’s been two years since generative AI entered the public space, and we’ve heard so much about it. I mean – we’ve heard a LOT about it. CEO’s have opined upon it, psychometricians have explored using it, and marketers have sparked ideas with it. But overall, has this been a disruptive technology or mostly a distracting one? Is generative AI living up to the hype and hope that testing professionals originally envisioned? And is its power primarily being used for good or for undermining education and assessment as we know it? Join us for an engaging and informative debate that explores the state of technology today and a prediction for where we’re going in the near future. With audience interaction and knowledgeable speakers, we’ll bring the wisdom of the crowd and insights of professionals to bear. It’s timely, it’s relevant – and yes, you’ll be hearing more about AI…but it’s a session you won’t want to miss!