Revolutionizing K-12 Career Pathways With AI-powered Assessment Tools
The K12 education sector is on the precipice of unprecedented change, as the promise of AI to transform long-standing, laborious functions such as standards gap analysis, curriculum review, and personalized instruction can now be realized by K-12 districts to help students shape career pathways. By sharing successful examples that highlight how important instructional challenges are being overcome with new, cutting-edge assessments, districts around the country can reap benefits for all learners in expanding traditional CTE (career and technical education) programs and how those programs meet the needs for filling the pipeline for candidate and cohort participants for associations, organizations, and business partners in the workforce. AI assessment tools can be used to create personalized pathways for secondary learners, ensuring that each learner receives tailored instruction and support from high school to career to ensure life-long learning and durable skill development. Through a collaborative panel discussion, attendees in this session will actively learn from nationally known K12 assessment district leaders including a former leading K12 District Superintendent and an innovative curriculum and assessment expert serving currently as an Associate Superintendent, Academics.