Performance Testing: Everything You Want to Know but Were Afraid to Ask!
Have you considered how performance testing might bring value to your credentialing program but dismissed the idea because it seemed too complicated and costly to operationalize? The ATP Certification and Licensure Division in collaboration with the Performance Testing Council are here to help! The panel is ready to address the factors that you should consider when assembling a roadmap for delivering performance testing in your programs. This session will engage attendees by providing examples of challenges and solutions garnered from industry peers.
The panel will tackle:
• The value of performance-based assessments over traditional MCQ
• Applications of performance-based testing
• Creating a framework/roadmap for a performance assessment
• Defining the purpose and measurement components
• Test development
• Scaling performance testing for small, medium, and large candidate volumes
• Operationalizing performance testing including
o Candidate communication
o Candidate preparation
o Logistics and execution
• Addressing psychometric components
o Role delineation/practice-job analysis studies
o Setting performance standards
o Rater, person, “item” analyses
• Understanding how budgets can be maximized
• Maintaining test security
Whether you are considering performance-based testing or have successfully executed a plan, we encourage you to attend our session and share your experiences!