Not-in-the-Weeds: A healthy conversation about the practical takeaways from your psychometric reports
Do you understand your psychometric reports? Do you know the key information to review? Do you know the questions to ask of your psychometrician? If you are one those people who receives your psychometric reports and it looks like a foreign language to you or you don’t know what to do with it or what to share with your Board, this is the session for you! With only one of the three panelists being a psychometrician, the practical aspects of understanding the psychometrics behind your exams will be brought to the forefront. This will help you understand the psychometrics at a practical level and how the results have the potential to affect your program’s policies and procedures.
Led by program leaders and a psychometrician, this session will start with prepared questions for the panel that will address “not-in-the-weeds” questions about the "why" behind psychometric reports and the "what's next". This high-level and practical panel conversation will then move to a Q&A with the audience.