Modifications and Innovations in Standard Setting for College Readiness, Licensure and Certificate Exams
There are many standard setting methods, but sometimes modifications to the existing methods or even innovative methods must be allowed to handle practical challenges in the real world.
This session will include three presentations by practitioners from three large-scale testing programs, aiming to showcase standard setting situations in which modifications and innovations were made. In the first presentation, two standard setting methods for a mixed-format assessment are explained and compared. In the second presentation, challenges and potential solutions in applying the Modified Angoff method are discussed. The challenges were concerned with test length, mixed format of the exam, and alignment of panelists’ expectations with the definition of minimally competent students. The third presentation demonstrates a unique approach to addressing the issue of uniformly overrated standards. This approach solves the issue by selecting items that minimize the difference between Angoff ratings and item difficulty for candidates whose ability aligns with the current passing standard.