Meazure Learning Sponsor Session -Testing the Limits: Leveraging AI to Democratize Access to Career Advancement and Opportunity


Breakout Celebration 9 - 10
SPNS Sponsor Session

Technology innovations, including AI, have helped many industries meet modern challenges with greater confidence and precision. For instance, cybersecurity has evolved from relying on in-house IT teams to deploying sophisticated software solutions that provide protection on a global scale. Banking is now conducted on secure, user-friendly online platforms that offer more convenience than physical branches. And education—as we all know—has moved from paper-based to digital learning. This session will explore how technology is impacting assessment delivery—and how it could redefine industry practices in the future. There’s no doubt that technological advances have propelled online proctoring forward too. AI-based tools are improving security measures like identity verification, fraud detection, and incident flagging, while APIs and integrations are streamlining the candidate journey and facilitated advanced reporting and analytics capabilities. But the potential for these innovations goes far beyond virtual testing environments. By bringing online proctoring technology like secure browsers, dual-camera systems, and 1:1 session recordings into test centers, we envision a new hybrid delivery solution of unparalleled test security, efficiency, and consistency. Additionally, the reporting generated by AI-based tools could provide program owners with richer insights and summaries, helping them make more informed decisions that further improve the testing experience. This thought-provoking session will explore how technological advances are reshaping exam delivery. Join us as we imagine how innovation across modalities can elevate security, efficiency, and the test-taker experience.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Meazure Learning
Meazure Learning