Mastering Stakeholder Engagement: Strategies for Building Trust Through Communication
In the testing industry, effective stakeholder management and communication are critical for ensuring the continued positive perception and trust of the program. These stakeholder groups can vary widely with regard to their relationships with the program and levels of understanding and experience with the exam development process.
The presenters will first describe strategies for managing diverse credentialing stakeholder groups, including candidates, educational institutions, and the public.
Next, the presenters will provide a real-world application of these strategies in a high-stakes credentialing organization. This approach included a collaboration to evaluate the historical relationships and vested interests of various stakeholder groups, design a communication strategy to explain the value of certification and the best practice methods undertaken to create and maintain the test, and provide various opportunities for stakeholders to participate in the development and maintenance of the certification examination.
Finally, the presenters will provide a form for all attendees to share experiences and strategies for communicating with stakeholders.