Assessment with Integrity: Pioneering Fair Practices
The area of diversity, equity, and accessibility has been expanding in recent years, and organizations have engaged in new and ongoing efforts related to these areas. The assessment community is no exception, and has been actively developing strategies to further fair and inclusive assessment practices. This includes revising assessment methods, implementing new policies, and fostering an inclusive culture within organizations. However, present shifts in this space have pushed many organizations to react; for some, this remains an initiative integral to their future success, while others are adjusting, pausing, or ceasing initiatives altogether.
This panel discussion aims to explore the current state of the industry and the evolving landscape with assessment-related organizations that continue to pursue fairness within their programs. Each program will provide an overview of their initiatives, specific strategies implemented to promote equity in assessment, success stories, practices to reduce bias and promote fairness, and ongoing efforts to enhance equity.
The panel discussion will conclude by responding to questions from the audience. This session aims to highlight the challenges faced and lessons learned, with the goal of helping audience members identify opportunities for themselves and their organizations as the industry navigates a rapidly-evolving landscape.