Connecting the Dots: Understanding Your Examinees to Build Better Exams
One of the most overlooked pieces of data following a test administration is about the candidates themselves. Who are they and what motivates them? How did they prepare and for how long? Are they equipped with the right level of knowledge? Some of this data might seem trivial but learning more about your candidate population can enhance your exam experience overall.
Candidates face challenges that hinder their chances of passing the exam before it even launches. How can test programs help give candidates the right information for study – and how does that improve pass rates? By dissecting the candidate preparation lifecycle and examinee feedback, identify key trends and use them to inform future candidates on preparation best practices.
Learn an array of effective data collection techniques and uncover how candidate data, item analysis, timing data, etc. can be used to build a better exam and offer test preparation insights back into the community for your candidates. We'll discuss:
-Optimal study durations and methods to enhance learning.
-Monitoring and adapting test formats, test length and timing, to understand their impact on pass rates.
-Using company developed practice products vs. third-party.
-New practice models for a more personalized approach.