Beyond the Psychometrician: The I-O Psychologist’s Contributions to the Exam Ecosphere
Industrial/organizational psychologists can offer unique expertise and possibly superior methods for traditional, staid credentialing exam processes and challenges. Interestingly, however, I/O psychologists are not often employed by professional associations to oversee certification or licensure exam programs, nor are they typically prevalent on the vendor exam development or psychometric services teams. Yet, most I/O psychologists have a multidisciplinary perspective and extensive training in measurement that could add significant value across topics of critical importance to credentialing programs, including workforce research, candidate pipelines, competency modeling, non-cognitive measures, behavioral item types, skills mapping, career pathing, and fairness and diversity considerations. I/O psychologists also have a deep and thorough understanding of test construction and validation. Further, given various legislation around the country and the world regarding the use of AI for decisions and outcomes that affect job candidates and employees, I/O psychologists may be more informed and prepared to address this challenge. The facilitators are both long-time practicing I/O psychologists with a wealth of experience in the private and public sector, from talent assessment to the credentialing world. Ultimately, the goal is to help ATP attendees get to know I/O psychology and how its practitioners can add value and advance their exam programs.