AI and Assessment: Skating Past the Puck to Design Tomorrow's Ice Rink


Breakout Celebration 5 - 6
FS Featured Session

This Technology-Based Assessment Committee session explores AI's future in testing, focusing on the next 2-5 years. We'll examine factors such as:

Adoption. Many traditional testing practices may continue for some time, but which AI use cases are likely to be deployed at scale more quickly? What factors might drive or delay adoption?

Roles. Will AI reduce or increase the need for specialists in the testing industry such as psychometricians and test developers? Will AI specialists play a larger role?

Security. How will AI capabilities impact security roles, definitions of cheating, and cheating detection. How should testing organizations prepare to stay ahead of the risks?

Content. How will the constructs we currently assess change? And how quickly?

Ethics/Regulation. What does ethical use of AI in assessment really mean and will this change over time? How can assessment organizations train people to understand and lead in this area?

New ideas. What new AI technologies are coming in the near-term future? Will robots, brain scanning or agents impact assessment?

We promise you an engaging, interesting session that will help you keep your head in the game and your stick on the ice as you support your organization in adopting AI! 

JW Advisers
Director, Test Development Innovations
National Board of Medical Examiners
Internet Testing Systems (ITS)